I love free patterns. No really. Not just I'm cheap frugal, but because it gives me the opportunity to check out how the artist presents their pattern without investing in it. I hate being disappointed, especially if I have paid for it. Give me a few patterns to try you out and if you are good, I'll definitely buy from you. I've been seeing more and more free patterns out there with the option to buy a PDF version, which I think is spectacular. There are also some out there with donation links for their free patterns. Please, if you make something from a free pattern, consider donating or purchasing from them. Support these amazing artists!
That being said, when I found Squirtle, I found my favorite Pokémon artist. WolfDreamer has a ton of free patterns that are spectacularly written as well as a shop "Off the Hook". I haven't made every pattern....yet...but I'm getting there!