There is a man in my life who is currently infatuated with Angry Birds . This man happens to be all of 5 years old. So, in honor of his recent birthday I created some special gifts for him, but I've been asked to call them "Mad Birds". These are done amigurumi style - which is a Japanese crochet meaning "in the round". Basically, you crochet continuously without joining each round. W hen I decided to do these, I didn't even bother to look for a pattern because I'm cheap creative like that. To begin, I found a picture online. Then I just started crocheting, but this time I remembered to write down the pattern as I went along. I typically forget to do that. Oops. Voila, here is my artistic interpretation of the pig for you. Please note that this pattern has not been tested by anyone, so if you want to try it out I would love to hear back from you. Cranky Pig Materials: Size ‘G’ hoo...