For the past month I have been dragging my feet about buying a new refrigerator. Ours was still working, but just barely. The ice machine had broke, again, for the umpteenth time. I was getting tired of storing bagged ice in our already too small freezer and we go through too much to just keep up with ice trays. Plus, we could not keep the temperature regulated which resulted in me losing produce on a regular basis. It was 15 years old, so I couldn't see repairing it once again when there was nothing I liked about it anyway. I finally gave in and decided to pick one out. We had been looking for a month, but it was still hard to narrow it down. I narrowed it down to three, but what I really wanted was parts from each of them. After making the final decision, we were quite happy with our choice. That is, until the Great Fridge Fiasco really got under way. Arrangements were made for delivery of the new refrigerator and removal of the old (yay!) and I took the day o...